
People why, or ghost coming to mee???

by  |  earlier

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ok .. it all started when i was 10.. one night when i went to sleep at 11:51.. exactly at 11:51 then after 9 mintutes and exactly at 12: 0 clock... i saw this ghost or demon coming out of my large 27 inch wall my wall clock ticked ... this ghost was dark fully black eyes. the only way i saw him coming was the light post outside my house. he also had no shadow either.. as he passed through my door.. i covered my in my blanket and i was sweating like i was in hot water eventhough the air conditioner was on.. . as he passed through my bed he looked at my Jesus's frame painting... then i blinked and he looked at me!!! i peed my pants then i think he heard my grandfather's footsteps and he went through the small window.. and my grandfather came and he asked is something wrong with me?... and I .........SAID NO! FROM THAT TIME WHENEVER I CLOSED MY TO SLEEP .. I FEEL LIKE SOME HAS PUT HIS OR IT'S HAND ON MY FACE!!! I TOLD MY PARENTS ABOUT THIS AND THEY THINK I AM HALLUCINATING!! why don't they believe me... i am an honor student in my school. and they still think i am faking it... now iam 13 abd that memory still is in my mind. and that hand.




  1. I believe you! I wouldn't worry about what your parents have to say about it. You should talk to people that would understand and believe you. Maybe your friends or join a blog, or just talk to people. They might be able to help.

  2. I'm not saying you're lying, but isn't it possible you have mistaken something for this "spirit"? It was so late, isn't possible you just imagined it?

  3. Yeah... i say it's a ghost.  I mean, how else do you explain that?!  You may just always feel that hand because of that experience, but the first thing, the demon guy coming out of you clock... nah, it's a ghost.  Find someone who beleives you, anyone.  Especially if you see it again.

  4. I bet it was just a dream your blowing out of proportion.

  5. It could have been you were dreaming.

    But if you still don't think so, visit here:

  6. In my opinion you are experiencing a personal guilt which you consider a loathsome and repugnant.  It could also mean that your thoughts are not appropriate and because of these thoughts or actions, you have conjured up a spirit that torments you.  You seem to be very intelligent and being 13 years of age your fertile imagination is getting the better of you.

    I suggest you don't blame yourself for something you did, are doing or thinking about which anyone your age and imagination generally does in their formative years.  You are a normal young person with feelings and needs so don't think you are alone.  The difference is that you are  taking these feelings very seriously instead of understanding these things are part of growing up.  When you come to grips with what I have said, you will find your spirit will change into a caring and supporting thing.  Hope you understand what I have provided.

  7. i dont think you're faking it.


    i dont think you need 27 inch wall clock in your room. give it to your parents.


    your parent just dont believe in ghost but you. so you need to understand them. they didnt see that ghost. they just cant believe.


    you better change your room decoration

    good luck :)  

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