
People with depression...?

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What was the first step you took to getting it diagnosed?

- who did you see?

- what did you do?

- how did it feel?

I'm pretty sure (and have been for a few years) that I'm depressed and possibly have some kind of anxiety disorder, but I'm terrified of doctors and my thoughts are always a complete jumble. I feel that I wouldn't be able to put accross my feelings and symptoms to a doctor but I need some medical help, did anyone else feel this?




  1. I had been feeling depressed a long time before I went to my doctor. It was one of my previous managers who told me that I was depressed and that I should see my doctor. So I did, and was given medication and referred for CBT. I saw a psychiatric nurse/psychologist to talk about the rubbish things in my childhood. I felt anxious, low, unmotivated, tearful, paranoid, insecure and just horrible. At the moment, I am going through a low period, although on medication. Now, I feel emotionally detached from people, thus leaving me rather lonely, even though I don't feel like socialising. I feel like the world is going by without me, but I am aware this is the depression.  

  2. I just saw my doctor and he diagnosed me with depression. things ended up getting pretty confused though because he died and all the stuff i told him that nobody else knew had to come out of me again.

    I just told him how I felt and he helped me though.

    You need to trust just one doctor and you'll be ok.

  3. I went to the Doctor,told him how I was feeling, and asked for the Self Referral form for Counselling, This took about 6 weeks to get a response. He also put me on a course of Anti-Deps.

    I felt hoe you did, and don't be afraid, Doctors are trained to deal with these problems, and most are really helpful and supportive.

    good luck, hope you find some peace

  4. Drs are trained to deal with it, they know exactly what depression is, you don't have to explain yourself, they are the ones best equipped to help you feel better.

  5. i suffer depression

    i went to see a counciler and they refferd me 2 a mental health place

    i slit my wrists and i would no be able to stop cryin

    it was hard to cope with

    but if you go to a doceters and ask them 2 reffer you to counciler

    im sure they would ...

    after goiing to this a mental health place i was put on depression tablets and they helped alot

    i hope it all goes well for u


  6. Yes I was really scared to get help.  I was scared of doctors.  The first person I went to was a counsellor.  It did not really help.  Then I went to my primary care doctor and she misdiagnosed me.  Then I went to a psychiatrist and he knew what i had right away.  Medications have saved my life.  I learned that I have a right to feel good.  It is not my fault it is my brain chemicals that do this.  I feel much better now that I am on medication.  It was really scary to take the first step, but after I sought out help I felt better.

  7. Try to not be afraid of doctors.  They're trained to help you and have been (almost always) great to me.  I saw a councilor, which helped some, and was referred to a psychiatrist, who diagnosed me with anxiety disorder and perscribed Xanax, which has actually been really great for me.  

    I'm glad I sought help and I definitely recommend you do the same!  Something else that has helped me a lot is talking about my issues with folks on a support group site called  I recommend that too.  

    I wish you the best! :)

  8. im on anti depressants for past 2 years,i felt simlar to you,i wrote down how i felt and gave it to doctor,explained i couldnt just speak what was wrong,that make sense?


  9. Just jot down your feelings on a piece of paper and take it to the doctors with you. Don't dwell on it so much, maybe try taking some St John's Wort, it helped me when I was suffering from major depression. Get regular exercise as endorphines (the body's natural morphine)  are released. Eat a good balanced diet and avoid alcohol as it depresses the central nervous system. Try talking to a friend about how you feel.

    And don't worry, everything will be alright :)

  10. It's not so much a doctor you need as counsellor. They are very good and, believe me, you will be amazed what you've told them by the end of a couple of sessions. If you do need further medication (and you might not), they'll refer you to a GP.

  11. If you might have depression, please see your family physician or a therapist (social worker, psychologist, psychiatrist) soon.  This link might help:

    They know how to ask the right questions to figure out if you have problems, and if you do, what the problems are.

    They can really be a lot of help to you!

    Best wishes.

  12. First person you should see is your GP,

    what they did was listen, no matter how jumbled up your thoughts are they have been train to recognise the symptoms. They with go through a series of questions with you to determine the level of depression. Then decide which anti depressant to use or who to refer you to.

    Lastly- how did it feel? well to be honest when you first go you'll think your wasting time and no one wants to hear your problems. All of these are wrong and once you get over that it's such a relief that

    someone is going to help.

    It's an illness and with help you can recover and move on.

    Good luck:)

  13. When I went to the doctor I didn't let him diagnose me, I just told him and told him what kind of depression. I'm going to go back soon and try my best to see someone better able to help. How I felt, well nervous as h**l and really shite.

    Look up more about it on the internet and go to the doc

  14. a counciller

    i just talked to him about everything really, things like my low self esteem and  my low self confidence etc

    it felt really weird before hand,

    hope things go well for u :)

  15. I have been diagnosed several times in my lifetime, and what you describe sounds very familiar to me.  Doctors are well used to spotting depression, and if you could explain yourself coherently and without feeling self-conscious, you would not be feeling this way.

    Go to your GP, and explain that you are concerned.  You will probably get a prescription for anit-depressants, which need upto 4 weeks to take effect, so don't delay in seeking help.

    If you are depressed, there is no shame, its not your fault - an illness like any other.  Go and talk to your Doctor, and set yourself on the road to understanding yourself.

    Take care.

  16. Saw my Doctor,he was useless,had Bi-polar but was being treated for depression when I had a psychosis,I was very angry.What I should have done was demanded to see a specialist,anyway I ended up in a mental ward and I must admit they sorted out my meds and knew what was wrong with me straight away although it took me years to get a diagnosis.Don't be afraid to see your doctor but if your not happy with his diagnosis ask to see some one who specialises In mental health.

    Sorry don't mean to put you of,that's just my experience.

  17. It took my 7 years after the onset of my first depression to get help. I was convinced I'd be ok and I could do it alone. In those 7 years, my mental health continued to decline in varied ways beyond depression, and at 19 i was given the diagnosis of bipolar NOS.

    I had a major breakdown and finally set up an appointment with a psychologist. At the time I was very paranoid and anxious and mildly psychotic. I was a mess, basically.

    He was great, I wish I'd gotten to stay with him longer (I moved back to London 2 months later). It was worth the trouble. If you're having problems, do it.

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