
People with foxtel?!?!

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hey im 14 and im putiing most of my chirmas and birthday money in to gettin foxtel for a year . do u guys thinks is worth it ill still be able to spend $250 at chrismas and another 250 on my birthday but the rest goes to foxtel. so do u think its worth it for me?




  1. depending on what channels you will be getting,

    check out a guide of the channels you will be getting with your purchase & do a google of what shows they will air and if you like them or not?

    other  wise! just stream all the tv shows you want of the internet! :)

    its free, and you get as many shows as you want  

  2. Are you getting the regular type or the new FOXTELIQ2? We have the new one and it is brilliant because you can record stuff through the planner and watch it whenever, so in your case you can record the shows you like that are on when you are at school and watch them later. There arent really that many channels for teens though, but it depends what you are into. There is MTV, VH1&2 and a few other music channels which I watch all the time - they have shows that would probably suit you. Plus there is heaps of Documentary channels which would be good for school or just to broaden your education. We are a family of four and each one of us likes different channels so being able to record is great for us.Its very expensive though, at $130 a month - do your parents realise how much it costs? We only got Foxtel because we live in a remote town and could only get 2 free to air channels.

    Hope that helps.

  3. Foxtel stinks I have it and it's a rip off but it's up to You Enjoy if You can.

  4. dont

    i have it its pretty  borring unless u r going to get the movie channels dont

    most have c**p on and well........

    save up and get a good tv or xbox... n games

  5. I don't think it is worth is because if you think about it there are only about 10 channels you will probably end up watching alot. Plus with more school work etc you won't have lots of time to relax and watch. Thats my opinion...
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