
People with like a thousand long have you been on Yahoo Answers?

by  |  earlier

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it must take fricken aaages lol.

just wondering.





  1. 5 weeks and have nearly 4000 points - and was on holiday for a week of that! - I have been a bit of a saddo mind!!!!

  2. Takes ages if you also have a life.

    Been here 12 months plus, hit level 5 three times (banned each time for violations).

    Strange, but the time flies as it's a good site and fun to do.

    A bit frustrating at first, but all works out in the end.

    Ask yourself this in 12 months and see where you are.

  3. I've been here for 4 weeks now and have loads. Just keep answering q's and you'll soon rack up the points!

  4. Presently, i have 604 points and have been a member since may 06, 2007.

  5. I am here since April 07 and I have 7,498 points.

  6. i started 21 march

    now you have made me think how much of a life i dont have!

  7. ( i know I am not in the thousands yet ) I have 731 it didn't take that long. When you get the hang of things its fun and time goes pretty fast. Wait til your on level 2,  250pts thats when you can vote on other "q's " the thumbs that are up& down!!

  8. february

  9. Well its goes quite fast and its surprising. when you look at the points and if you do the math it can add up quite fast.

    Let'st take someone just starting out.

    Begin participating on Yahoo! Answers  100

    Answer a question                                       40  

      (20*2) points /per day allowed

    1pt per vote for Best Answer *20  /day      20

      Best answers  worth  10 points each

    This was just the very bottom level  and in 2 or 3 days you can be to level 2

    If you feel like answering 20 questions - and how long would that take - you answer more then that while chatting-LOL

  10. think l started mid april07. answering lots of questions and asking very few

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