
People with road rage.....?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i was driving and making a right turn (light was red but the car was really far behind so i made the turn) anyways then out of no where the truck was behind my car and was really close apperently he breaked really hard and almost hit me but luckly he didnt. then be pulled up beside me and started saying what the fuc* is wrong with you and gave me the finger and drove off...omg this pissed me off so much making it feel like it was my fault!!!has this ever happened to anyone before?




  1. It does not really matter if you were in the right or wrong. You, and the other driver together control tons of metal travelling at a significant speed. If there is an accident and someone gets injured, being in the "right" does not help much. Please visit the following website for useful info.

  2. NOOOOOOOOO it was not your fault and you did nothing wrong at all..............

    Many people think Road Rage starts with the incident on the road; not so!

    The seeds of Road Rage may have been planted hours, days, or weeks ago, perhaps even years before.

    They may have had an argument with their boss, a co-worker, or their spouse.

    Maybe they are having trouble with their children or dealing with other problems.

    Whatever their situation, they have been holding in the problems for so long that when an ordinary annoyance happens, like what happen to you, all their frustration finally comes boiling out...................................

  3. Its happens to everyone, no matter how responsible you are while driving. Just ignore these ignorant people, as any emotional reactions to them may affect your driving. They are endangering the lives of others, especially you. The only thing you should be concerned about is keeping yourself and those with you safe on the road. Good luck.

  4. umm.... it WAS your fault and you're lucky the other driver was on the ball enough to miss you, if he had to get hard on his brakes to avoid hitting you then there wasn't enough time for you to pull out you had a red light not the right of way you have to yield to him

  5. if i understand what your saying then it was your fault

  6. Yeah. I passed someone and might have cut him off a little too soon, I did pass him on the right. He was driving slow. Even though I had my turn signal no, he thought it would be a good idea to ride my @$$ for over 5 miles with his high beams on. I wanted to get outta the car and curse him out but with the amount of anger he was showing, I didn't want to add fuel to the fire. He eventually turned off. But I had phoned my boyfriend to let him know what was going on in the event that the dude followed me home. I was scared but I still don't think I really did anything wrong considering I did have the flasher on.

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