
Pep Rally... easy 10 points.. I think.?

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I'm on my high school's dance team next year and we are preforming at a pep rally before the first day of school... this is gonna sound soooo lame but what exactly is a pep rally? Ive never been to one so I don't actually know. I mean I sort of know, but I don't know exactly




  1. a pep rally is like a way to get a school pumped for a big football or basketball game. In this case its probably to get people pumped for the begining of the year. They usually consit of the cheerleaders and pommies making the crowd go wild and excited... sometimes they give out awards or announce people in the correlating sports season. Most of the time they are really lame, but its a shortened school day and you can hang with your friends! :]

  2. A pep rally is where the school gets together, usually in a  gym or on a football field, and the cheer squad and/or step team, dance team, etc perform to increase school spirit and get the school pumped for the school year and sports seasons coming up. Usually the mascot does a dance, the football and/or basketball team (depending on season) come and eveyrone basically screams for them. The prinicipal or coach may talk and tell everyone what a great year they're looking forward to.

    Basically, you're gonna dance for your school as they cheer you on.

    good luck!

  3. a happy gathering of students to be obnoxious with no one caring.

  4. its usually the day of or the day before homecoming, where the whole school goes into the gym and watches as each football player is introduced and the cheerleaders do multiple different dances and cheers. personally, i hate pep rallies because its just a bunch of noise, but for the high schoolers its pretty fun.

  5. Its a when most of the school goes and watches cheerleaders/dancers to show school spirit!!!

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