
Pepita (pumpkin seeds) Nutritional Info

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I read pumpkin seeds have a lot of zinc, so I picked up a bag labeled "Raw Pepitas: La Pluma Variety" from a Trader Joe's. Apparently, pepitas = pumpkin seeds, but when I look at the Nutrition data on the back of the bag and on-line, it seems that "pepitas" have no zinc what so ever and "pumpkin seeds" have a lot.

My question(s): Are pepita seeds the same as pumpkin seeds, and if so how much zinc is in a serving of raw pepitas?




  1. They are the  same....although they can be from any squash variety.

    Here's the Wiki nutrition info:

    Pepitas are a healthy snack food choice with some studies reporting that five to ten grams daily could help prevent kidney stones.[citation needed] Furthermore, claims have been made that pepitas help deter parasites, such as tapeworms. They also can have a profound, positive effect on urine flow in some males.[citation needed]

    The seeds are also good sources of iron (25 grams can provide about 20 per cent of the recommended daily iron intake), zinc, polyunsaturated fatty acids (including the essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6), potassium, and magnesium.[2]

    As with all oily foods, overconsumption can contribute to weight gain.

    Lightly roasted seeds provide better nutrition than dark ones, as excessive heat destroys some of their nutritive value.[3]

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