
Pepsi/Coke Codes!!!!!

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I am starting The Pepsi/Coke Code Trade in about 2-3 weeks and I just wanted to get every ones opinion.Starting in about 2-3 weeks I will be posting questions every 2 weeks with many of Pepsi Product code that have never been (unused). Who ever posts and answer giving there email address and have at least the same amount of Coke Product Codes (unused) will get the Pepsi Product Codes and in Trade will send me there Coke Codes (unused). I would hope ever one would be honest.Because I will be and I give you my word that I will be honest. All my caps and other Pepsi Product Caps or Codes off boxes our numbered by Sharpie Marker and I will email you as soon as you give me your email address in the answer and make sure that that email address is your email address so I wont be sending the code to someone else anyways all the caps and box codes are number and when I email you the code it will be like

1.1234567890....and if one or more codes do not work please email me back letting me know what number and I will make sure that I didn't miss read the code or miss type the code and if I did I will resend it to you. My Email address will be posted on every question.

My Email is if you have any other question fell free to contact me. Thank You!.

So What do you think?




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