
Pepsi or coca cola?

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i dont care if u have a drink other than these, im asking if u had to choose pepsi or coke cola, i just wanna see whats more preferable, i like pepsi...




  1. I prefer Pepsi!!!!!!!


  2. coca cola!! it rocks man!! pepsi makes me all fizzed up!

  3. Pepsi...the cherry pepsi flavor

  4. pepsi

  5. Pepsay!!!!!! (WATER!!! I can't diet with only pepsi)

  6. id say pepsi but there pretty close so i wouldnt care that much

  7. Evidently you taste buds are not well developed.  When your taste buds are developed, you will prefer coca cola.

  8. pepsi :) mmm

  9. I prefer Pepsi because where I live, Coke has too much sugar.

  10. Hey same! I somehow prefer pepsi to coca cola...I just feel that it is less 'gasy' and tastes nicer.

  11. Coke with ice. mmmmm sounds good
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