
Pepsi or coke for a party!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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  1. coke

  2. You can get both ... Cause they both taste almost the same :-)

  3. coke or y cant u have both . but anyways i would choose coke.

  4. Coca Cola! bayyyyyyybeeeee♥

  5. Coke baby!

  6. pepsi tastes way better!

  7. coke all the way!

  8. Get both Pepsi for the Pepsi drinkers and Coke for the Coke drinkers, that way every bodies happy.

  9. You really can't limit yourself with these two nowadays. I usually have both of these plus the diet equivalent, rootbeer, water, 7up, mountain dew, dr. pepper, even three or four types of juices, and of course beer. (Don't even get me started on the brands on that!) Goodluck and have fun!

  10. pepsiii

  11. both. people like them evenly

  12. Just by a variety. They are only a couple bucks for a few of them!

  13. they r both the same thing but i would rather coke

    because coke is more popular and it kinda tastes better

  14. I would buy an assortment. Even some with no caffeine. For instance, I vastly prefer regular Coke to regular Pepsi, but I can't stand diet Coke compared to diet Pepsi. And some ppl can't handle the caffeine, either. I don't know how many ppl are expected to attend your party, but if you can, recollect what they drink and just get a variety.

    Or, you could just buy a few cases of the store brand that come in all different flavors. If there are to be a lot of children at the party, this would probably be pleasing.

    Happy partying!

  15. COKE!!!

    everybodys gotta love coke!

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