
Peremptory Writ of mandate question of service

by  |  earlier

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In a review of the Cal supreme court , the court imed filed and served the respondents to a Peremptory writ. Does this mean the 10 day return due from the respondents is on, and does this mean the court is interested in the case???




  1. I'm unsure. you can ask someone in the courts that question.. good luck

  2. Are you sure?  A peremptory writ is a final order, issued at the conclusion of a writ action, commanding someone (usually the respondent) to do something.  There is no return to a peremptory writ.  A return is made to an alternative writ or order to show cause.

    I am really guessing here, but I suspect that a lower court (the superior court or the Court of Appeal) ordered a peremptory writ to issue, which order did not become effective while a Petition for Review was pending in the Supreme Court.  The Supreme Court denied review, at which point the lower court issued its peremptory writ.

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