I have a new flower bed that has tulips in the spring, all varieties of lillies in mid summer, but nothing in August. It just looks so bare (other than the dying stems). What would be a good perennial flower that I could put in there that would bloom in August. I'm looking for something that is a good filler, bright and colorful. I would like something between 12" and 36" with a great "wow" factor, but not overly expensive. I don't want ground cover, or a fast spreading plant, as it would choke out the other things I have planted. I was hoping maybe someone could help me out.
The flower bed is pretty large (20x40), with full to partial shade. There is a large tree in the middle that gives it the shade mid-day. Its location is dead center in the front yard. The ground isn't the best. I've filled it with loam, but its pretty rocky under that. I live in zone 6, so I need something that will survive a New England winter. Any ideas?