
Perfect Meditation?

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Help, everytime I meditae I fall asleep. My body is really limp and loose and relaxed (the best most perfect relaxation) but it fells like im asleep. Help me focus or do it right?




  1. Falling asleep is a common problem. But I can recommend a couple fo things to you. Start with trying meditating while sitting in a chair. Holding that position will require being a little more alert than laying down.

    Also, try a meditation where you focus on a lit candle. Keeping your eyes open might also help you stay awake.

    But don't worry if you keep falling asleep. It takes practice to stay awake. Besides, just because you fall asleep doesn't mean you aren't benefitting - its good for your body to get into a deep relaxed state regularly.

    I hope that helps. :)

  2. As I understand it effective meditation is like balancing on a razor's edge between sleep and wakefulness.  I admire those that are able to hold still, relax and concetrate like that without falling asleep.

  3. Hello

    When you relax when new to meditation, your subconscious thinks that you wish to sleep, so it obeys.

    It is all in the posture ~ Sit, be comfortable, do not slouch, shoulders back & down.

    & never meditate while tired.


  4. You are doing what I call "sleeping bag" meditation.  It is an excellent form of meditation... just do that method until you are ready to be awake... then if you are still interested... do sitting meditation or walking meditation, or dishwashing meditation, or following the breath meditation, or walking the dog meditation, or... get the picture?

    it's all good... but maybe the best is the "sleeping bag" version.

  5. Yes, this may be correct. For more information check about different states of mond and meditation:
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