
Perfect form!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I really suck at running. I know I do everything wrong, and i need to get the right form. I was wondering if you know the best way to do that. I really want to be good at it.

Any advice??????

websites and videos are good to!!!




  1. I would recommend visiting the Runner's World website and/or getting their magazine...they have a really great section for beginning runners.  When you run make sure you keep your body more upright and concentrate on your arm swing...keep your elbows tucked in and when you use your arms don't have such extreme should be feel relaxed or else it'll make you more fatigued.  Make sure you are running with your feet straight too, and not like a penguin :).  There is a book out called Chi demonstrates proper running form and discusses how to run to prevent injuries.  Good luck!

    P.S.  a couple of good ....he's the guy who writes about being a penguin runner...i love his articles in runner's world...decent website.  Also, try out and their can talk with lots of new runners and get support.

  2. ok you should keep a brisk jog at the beginging then go faster the closer u get hope i helped :D

    answer mine plz;...

  3. You really don't need to worry about running form. The main thing determining running speed is how much support force you have at ground contact. The fastest runners have little collapse at the ankle/knee when sprinting. As you get stronger your form will automatically improve. Do leg presses, ankle raises and hamstring curls for strength improvement.
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