
Perfect number of children?

by Guest31855  |  earlier

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If you needed to pick the perfect number of children how many children would you pick?

I know this is a weird question but here is the thing. I am about to gradate college and yes I am planning on getting married soon. Me and my bf have decided to only have one child because we want to be able to go forward with our careers. Would it be considered selfish if we only have one: but gave that one child all our care and love and made sure that the child was always happy? Isn't that better then having more then one knowing that time/money for the kids would be less?

plz give me your opinions... what would u do?




  1. yeah if you want one only one

    you'll struggle for the rest of your life if you have more (like 3 and up) and you'll be really pissed off

  2. if you only want one child then i wouldnt say you are selfish,  i actually hate it when people have like 7 or 8 kids and cant take care of them.

    its all up to you.

    im having 2, i have a girl and im prego with a boy and we are done!

  3. I have one child shes 3 It would be so easy to just be done and not have anymore but having her and watching her grow and play I really really want to give her a sibling. I have 2 siblings and I couldnt imagine not having them growing up and the support they give me and all the fun times weve had. I think siblings help teach sharing and how the concept of that the world does not revolve around you. I also work at a retierment home and i see how hard it is to care for an aging parent and i wouldnt want to put all that burdin on just one child.

    Sooo long story short  I want 3.

  4. It all depends on you and your lifestyle. I think its great if you only want one so that you can have a career, but I also think its great when people want a lot of kids. Everyone is different. In my case I only want two.

  5. every family is different.  only you and your boyfriend can decide what is right for you.  I wouldn't have wanted to be an only child.  I didn't want my son to be an only child, so we decided to go for one more.  Instead we got twins!  

  6. I think two is great.  Perfect if you get one of each!   I plan on having one, two at the absolute most.  Kids do get bored when they don't have siblings, but if you keep them active and around other kids (activities, clubs, sports) I don't see a problem with having one child.  That doesn't make you selfish at all.  Some people choose to not have any children, and I don't think that is selfish either.  In order to give your children a good life, parents need to be happy too.  I think there is this misconception that your life has to revolve around your kids 24/7.  While most of the time you will be doing a lot for your children, you definitely should not forget yourself or your spouse need happiness, too.  I think that is why this new study came out, saying that parents were more happy before they had children and after the children had "left the nest"; parents should not give up everything for children because you need to be happy too.  That in turn makes happy children. :)

  7. 3

  8. I say 2, hopefully a girl and a boy.  That would be perfect imo  

  9. Not selfish at all! Planning is good and most people don't. I planned on one but decided to go with another, but thats just me. You do what you feel like.

  10. if you only want one then that's fine

    i would pick 4 or 5

    however, i was an only child growing up and was always bored out of my mind and had no one to talk to or fight with. i always really wanted brothers and sisters and was so jealous of everyone else. not trying to make you feel bad, just saying the truth...

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