
Perfectly health dog is going to be put to sleep?

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My St Bernard growled at my 2 year old son because he came up to her while she was sleeping. But 2 days ago my neighbor's kid came into my backyard, jumped on my son's bike & My dog bit my neighbor's toddler (There was no bleeding, just a tooth mark)

I sent my dog to the animal shelter and they called me today to tell me my dog is under stress and growling at them. They told me to pick up my dog or she'll be put to sleep...

She's a very good dog, house broken, knows to sit and usually very submissive.... Did i do the right thing or should i let them just put her to sleep?




  1. Your dog growls when provoked? Surprise. That's no reason to put a perfectly healthy dog to sleep.

  2. I don't think that the dog neccessarily deserves to be put to sleep, but as the owner you should be making sure that there is no possible way that your dog is going to bite anybody....especially a toddler.  If your dog would bite under ANY circumstances it should not be kept where children can get to it.

  3. Dogs and kids - it can be a tough one... We have 4 dogs, one baby girl , one year of age.... It's been a struggle, since they were here first and SHE came along and took their attention time, toy time, play time, etc... But they've learned too and they all play very nicely - with constant supervison - now. Of course, at any time, one of them could just say "I'm done" and growl or bark or even bite - this is something you just have to understand with dogs, they can do that. They grow old and want their space and time, they let you know. I would have to agree that NOT putting her to sleep is the better idea - and just having some more time with her, maybe seperating her from your child at certain times of the day and having some time with her alone more often may be better???

    Kids can often do things that make dogs spook easily, so , their first instinct usually is to growl or bark, even bit if they feel threatened. I know it's impossible to control a toddler from throwing or pulling or toying, but try and work with the two so they come to a better understanding - I'm sure you care for them both a lot!

    Best wishes!

  4. you should have put this in the dog section.....

    she should not be put to sleep.

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