
Performing Marriage for Mom?

by Guest55802  |  earlier

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After getting information that I need, I might be performing marriage ceremony for my mom.

Going to be an ordained minister to perform the ceremony.

How do you feel that a 23 years old person is ordained minister and is performing your marriage ceremony?

I told mom that if she ever misbehave with her groom after marriage that they will have to seek marriage counseling with me.

Do you think that funny? Other people said it was cool.

Add one thing to do stuff in life, be ordained and perform marriage ceremony.




  1. I think it's wonderful, and not strange in the least! Just be sure to double check your state laws, as a couple of lawyers married two years ago in CT and found out that their state didn't recognize "ordination for the sheer purpose of uniting a couple in matrimony." The state agreed to let the marriage stand as long as no one contested it. If lawyers can get caught up in that mess, anyone can.

  2. Where are you located?  I know in Florida you can officiate a marriage just by being a notary.  It's abut $75, a 3 hour online class & then you need to order a stamp.  That's it.  

    I think it's a great idea if that is what your mom is happy with!

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