
Perhaps one or some of these OBE's is where your heart really did stop, what do you think?

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Everyone of them seems to be a bit different in someway.

The last one only lasted a minute or two... My spirit soul was moving around a lot in my body, I felt my spirit come out halfway feet first. I did hear the voices of many people or spirits before it started as if I were somewhere else.

Could this of have been the spirits that await me to guide me to the other side? Perhaps my heart stop for a minute.




  1. Please listen to this podcast.  The doctor discusses Near Death Experiences and the definition of death (including heart stoppage) in great detail.  It's really interesting.

  2. I have had NDE's and astral. I can tell you for a fact, they are so different.

    When your heart stops for a few seconds to a few minutes. You are out of your body instantly. As you look around, everything in the area you are in, looks exactly the same. The difference is the white light, yes it does exist.

    In astral, the white light does not exist.

    Yes, there could of been spirits around you at the time you were obe'ing.

  3. I would have to say that anything is possible....  If you think that is what happened it is definately possible.  I have never had anything like this happen to me...  I definately say that this is possible...

  4. intel..I always worry about people playing around with astral traveling....that they won't be able to return. Maybe you should have your heart checked...or have a complete physical. It could have been a warning.

  5. Most documented OBE's I have heard (or read) happened during near-death situations, mostly in operating rooms. In actual OBE the person does not feel his/her soul leaving out of the body. It's the other way around. The person who experienced OBE have seen themselves leaving their seemingly dead bodies and became witness to what was going on. On most occasions the experience happened during a flat line, and when the first sign of a pulse appeared, the soul feels itself being absorbed back to its body.

    My advise to you is to be extremely careful in dealing with this type of experience. Something could always go out of hand and then everything else will be lost out of your control.

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