
Perinatal law and kicking your kid out?

by  |  earlier

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ok, my friend that is 17 is concerned that he might get kicked out of the house. but that is nothing new. and he was wondering if he could either put a law-suit against his parents for no providing for him, or i have been told in the past that if YOUR PARENTS kick YOU OUT, they are required to pay child support. if the person is under 18. he lives in a S****y family, and i know his parents. they are terrible. but not bad enough to put him into foster care. know what i mean? he wants to finish high school and go to university to be a teacher. and remember to consider the fact that we live in alberta, canada. he needs to know the laws for here. thanks.




  1. What does that have to do with perinatal law or pregnancy?

  2. he old enough to look after themselves

    i am quiet sure there is no such thing as parents paying child support. There is thousands of people out there who wanted to go to uni - but why should the parents pay for that, if he wants something, then go out and do it! nothing comes on a silver platter these days.

  3. Look them up online

    If he got kicked out or is afraid he is going to then what did he do?

  4. If they kick him out, then they are bad enough for him to go into foster care.  Parents are required to provide for their children until the age of 18.  If they fail to do so, they will face neglect charges and your friend will most likely have to go to foster care until the age of 18.

  5. Actually, at 17, his parents cannot kick him out. They can't do so until he is 18. If they lock/kick him out of the house he can call the police and they can force the parents to take him back in.

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