
Period 3 days late?!?

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I tested on the 26th (the day my period was due) 14 DPO, and got a negative. But here I am 3 days late and dont feel like I'm going to get my period. Do some people test positive later than others? I used a sensitive test so I'm confused.




  1. Yes, take another test. Some people don't get their positive right away. It has a lot to do with the concentration of the hormone in your urine. Do another one and good luck!

  2. Do not worry hi, my period nevr comes on the same date, there are times its really late. but if it doesnt come after 2weeks defenitly take another test

  3. I was 6 weeks pregnant before my test came back positive so I would keep testing about every 4 days.

  4. It always takes my tests at least 5 weeks after conception to come back positive.  Every women is different.  I would wait a week and if you do not get your period by then, I would test again.  By then you should be far enough along that you can get a generic test and feel good about the result.  Good luck!

  5. Do another test I usually use the first response.... dont drink anything 2 hours before the test or do it first thing in the morning....GOOD LUCK!!

  6. I am in the same boat. Unprotected s*x on CD 15, period due on the 26th and still NOTHING! I tested this morning and got another negative! Soooo frustrating! Doctor said I could'e ovulated later than I thought and to wait a few days and test again. She said 19 days AFTER unprotected s*x should give me an accurate response.  

    Keep me posted on what happens....  

    LOTS of Baby Dust to you!! :)

  7. hi sweetie, im 3 days late as well and took yet another test today....still negative! so disappointing but to answer your question YES people test positive earlier and later then others, all depends on when you ovulated, had s*x and how much hCG is actually detected in your urine. hopefully for us, there isnt a lot right now so thats why we are getting these negatives (which i hope they are false negatives) haha!

    i promised myself that if i still dont get my af then i wont test again until friday! hope we both get our BFP's soon! please, please, please, dont get frustrated although its so easy to, just try to take your mind off of it and read a new book or something mindless!

    please keep me updated!!

  8. It is possible to get a false negative, but not a false positive. Pregnancy tests simply test the level of HCG in your urine, in very early pregnancy these levels are very low and pregnancy tests may not pick them up. I think the levels double every couple of days so wait a few days and test again if your period still hasnt arrived. This is also why you cant get a false positive, the tests are only testing the level of HCG hormone that is present during pregnancy.
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