
Period After Getting off Birth Control?

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Normal period time while on BC was 99 percent around the Friday-Sat timeframe on the placebo pills. So usually on the last placebo pill, I'd start my period.

I went off the pill in June two days before beginning the placebos to lose weight. My period came two days earlier due to this. In July, my period once again came on the Wed.

Now, in August, it's already Friday, 29 days into my cycle and I still haven't started although I feel a lot of cramping. I also did have a spot of blood mixed with some CM when I wiped about 1.5 weeks into my cycle. (sorry TMI) I assume that may be ovulation related?

Anyway, I feel like I'm about to start. Is a delayed period typical the second month after stopping birth control? I'm not sure if I'm considered late yet or not, since I wouldn't start until Fri or Sat when I was on am I late? If not, when should I test?

We are using other forms of protection.




  1. It's probably going to take some time for your period to get to "normal" off of hormones.  Your body is adjusting to not having the hormones from the pills so it was kind of thrown out of wack.

  2. if you are using other forms of protection I doubt your pregnant but if you would like to test I would wait until monday to take a pt if you haven't started by then. I too was irregular for the first four months or so after coming off the pill.

  3. When you are on the birth control pills, you do not actually have a normal cycle at all. You don't ovulate, and you don't have a period as such, it is known as a withdrawal bleed. It is all artificial, the withdrawal bleed is similar to a period, but it is not one.

    Please remember that on the pill because it is all artificial, the length of the cycle is not necessarily the amount of days your cycle would normally be. When on the pill, everyone's cycle is the same length (generally 28 days depending on what brand of pill), but when you are not on the pill there can be quite a bit of variation. For example, my cycle is actually 32 days long normally when not on the pill.  

    When you come off the pill, it may take a while for the whole system to start up again and for your body's normal hormones to kick in and take over the process. My first cycle after coming off the pill was around 72 days long! Things just take time, it is not uncommon for cycles to be a bit long or irregular for about three months before things settle down.

    If you are worried, take a pregnancy test maybe after the weekend just to put your mind at rest. However, I think if you are using other forms of protection you are probably covered and it is just your body regulating itself after being on the pill.

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