Normal period time while on BC was 99 percent around the Friday-Sat timeframe on the placebo pills. So usually on the last placebo pill, I'd start my period.
I went off the pill in June two days before beginning the placebos to lose weight. My period came two days earlier due to this. In July, my period once again came on the Wed.
Now, in August, it's already Friday, 29 days into my cycle and I still haven't started although I feel a lot of cramping. I also did have a spot of blood mixed with some CM when I wiped about 1.5 weeks into my cycle. (sorry TMI) I assume that may be ovulation related?
Anyway, I feel like I'm about to start. Is a delayed period typical the second month after stopping birth control? I'm not sure if I'm considered late yet or not, since I wouldn't start until Fri or Sat when I was on am I late? If not, when should I test?
We are using other forms of protection.