
Period Help.....PLEASE!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have my period and I keep throwing up. Nothing can stay in my stomach and I'm beginning to feel dizzy because I haven't eatin for days now. I have really bad cramps and if I take Advil, I just throw up. What should I do??? Is throwing up during your period normal? I've had this problem for months now, should I see a doctor?




  1. Go see a doctor.


  2. tell ur mom first

  3. Throwing up IS one of d "symptoms" of periods. But see ur doctor 2 see if he can give u anything that will calm ur stomacje down.

  4. I would think it was a virus except that you say it has happened for several months.  Yes, you should see a doctor vomiting when you have your period every month is not normal.  Have you tried to eating some bland food that you might be able to keep down.  Try dry toast, bananas, applesauce.

  5. throwing up isn't normal...

    but take Midol, it helps a lot with the cramps.

  6. Hi hun, this could be a number things: It could be that you have a virus and your just not very well, this will make you feel really rubbish and you will not be able to eat, without been sick. If this is the case, rest, eat dry and small amounts of food, but try to drink plenty of water throughout the day. It will be hard to eat, but you must try, things like boiled eggs and toast. Secondly, this could also be your period itself. Sometimes when the cramps are bad, or we have been stressed and its a particularly bad period, you will have really bad cramps, sickness and going to the toilet alot. Make sure you keep relaxed, as getting stressed psycologically makes things worse and you feel like everything is getting too much and too painful. Thirdly, do you use tampons? If you do, you could have, although this is rare, something called Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) This is where there are bacterial problems from not changing the tampon regularly enough. The symptoms are severe though, and include - severe headaches, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, temperature/feelings of fever. If you think you have this, you MUST go to your doctor straight away, and tell them you use tampons, and how often. If its the other 2 things hun, just relax and take a couple of paracetomol. When your younger periods take many many years to settle down, and you get some which are alot worse than others, some which dont bother you at all. Take it easy xxxxx Anything else you can email me :)

  7. aww, well i deffo think you should see a doctor ok? :-)

    i'm not sure it's normal, the cramps are normal because almost everyone has them at some point of their period, they say periods are worse on the 4th day.

    yeah, see a doctor they will do something about it...especially if it happens everytime your on your period.


  8. this can be kinda normal as when i was younger and only had my period for a year they were so painful that it made me sick. i lit spent all day just curled up in bed ill.

    try a hot bath, hot water bottle when ur at home, then try alil excersise too as this really does help with the cramps. u may not feel like it bt honestly once u do it u will be alot happier.

    if u think it could be more sinister then please go to the doctors and get checked out and see if u have a virus or somert but i honestly think u just have very painful period pains. pills can sort this out

  9. You should go and see a doctor, but most likely it's nothing serious. You just get bad cramps, that's all. But your doctor will give you stuff to make it less painful.

  10. rong kind of question to be asking strangers

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