
Period Problem? Please help!?

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Okay so my period started Sunday and its now Thursday, I haven't had my period all day. Is something wrong? Does that mean it will be wicked heavy tommorow?





  1. either you have finished or will continue tomorrow  - depends

    if you excercised heavy then your period can stop ...dont worry

  2. it means its slowing down, its normal.

    its been 5 days so its nearing the end

    it shouldnt be heavy

  3. maybe it's over but sleep with a pad on just in case!

  4. no. it might just mean its done. or it might mean it will come back but it doesnt mean it will be heavy. obviously your young or have just gotten it recently. just wear a pad just incase it doesnt always last a full week and will be a little undpredictable the first year

  5. hmmmm....... no... it probably means your period is OVER! it doesn't HAVE to last 7 days, each period is different. if it does come again i think it'll be light actually because you are most likely ending your period.

  6. Sounds like you are done.

  7. smiling, in response to your answer, yes it can stop and come back it happens to me sometimes i think its gone and ill wake up in the am with some bleeding!

  8. it might be over, sometimes mine only last 3 or 4 days...its not one of those things that will take a break and start again later...

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