
Period Question *Girls Only!*?

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I have to ask, I'm sorry. I'm asking in adolescent because I'm 14. I have a blood disorder where I'm a free bleeder so I'm on Seasonique Birth Control where I only get my period once every three months. Well, I've had my period 7 Times in a month! (And no I'm not a troll, I'm desperate!) Like I said, I'm only 14, so my mom called my gyno's nurse and asked if it's normal. She said YES, but gave me pills. Why won't the doctor and nurse take this seriously? I'm very worried. I don't even know if my doctor knows what's going on. Any advice?

BTW- I am NOT sexually active. Thanks in advance!




  1. tell your mom how worried you are and that you would really like to have an appointment with the dr. that way you can see him/her face to face and express your concerns.  your mom should understand.

  2. y is everyone adding that they r not a troll? lyk the last couple of questions i've read people r lyk "& no i'm not a troll" lol of course ur not!

  3. You need to get checked out.... This isn't really normal

  4. Ask your mom.

  5. ask to speak to the doctor rather than just the nurse and speak to them about your concerns. If your doctor can't see you or doesn't have a good solution you should switch doctors.

  6. First of all, your period won't be extremely regular yet. However, 7 times in one month is not good. You need to talk to your doctor to see if there are any other forms of birth control that will work better because honestly the pill doesn't work for many girls. Have you considered, or heard of an IUD? They usually prevent periods from happening except maybe every couple of months.

  7. They should take you seriously cuz this is nottt normal!!!

  8. My best friend has a bleeding disorder called Von Willebrands disease and she has to take a nasal thing called stymate when she menstruates to curb the bleeding. I would go to a hemotologist, sounds like the gyno isnt taking it as seriously as she should.

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