
Period & TTC question! Thanks in advance!!

by  |  earlier

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So I had my period july 7-july 13, and then started back up on my birth control.. Then i accidently missed 3 pills that same week and had break through bleeding. It stopped for a day then I had like a second period for 5 days. I did not start back up on birth control- my husband and i are trying to concieve now. So my question is, do you think I will start my period this month on the regular date that ive had it the past 4 years, or will i start on the day that my "second" period started? sorry for any confusion, and I really appreciate any advice from women who've gone through this!!! :)




  1. If your ttc why are you on the pill then? and I think your period will come like normal.

  2. I agree with Nance's answer.

  3. It's hard to tell at the moment when your next period will start as you had a break in taking the pills.  I would stay off them from now on and officially start your TTC.  If you still want to have a go this month (providing you didn't miss your ovulation) get some ovulation tests and take them for a few days, either you will get a positive on them, in which case you can go at "it" or you will get your period soon enough.

    You could always wait till your period then start trying next month, it's up to you.  Whatever you both decide, Good Luck!

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