
Period after baby, when did it come?

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NON-BREAST FEEDING MOMS! How long after baby did you get your first period. I had my baby over 7 weeks ago, and still no sign. Getting a little worried!




  1. i bled for about 4 weeks after having my daughter. after that they went back to a normal cycle <not my normal cycle, i used to have one a year, but a normal, normal cycle> anyway 2 months after having her i got the implant and bled non stop until i had it taken out. i went on the pill and it carried on. now they're back to MY normal cycle.

  2. i bled for about 5 weeks after my c-section.  Then got my period about 6 weeks later.

  3. I got mine on my son's one month birthday.  My lochia only stopped two days before that so there was hardly a break :(

    My midwife told me that up to 8 weeks is perfectly normal.  

  4. i didnt breastfeed my firstborn. i gave birth april first and i didnt get my first period til august. you can get pregnant before your first period arrives. if you suspect that, you can get a cheap test at the dollar store. if your not worried that you may be pregnant, it is completely normal to not get a period for several weeks even if you dont breastfeed.


  6. I was breast feeding and got mine back 2 months after I gave birth. If there is a possibility you could be preggo talk to your doc immediately!  

  7. Well i only stopped my after birth bleed yesterday 6 weeks and 4 days after...........

    so i cant really help but it can take up to 6 months to return regularily

  8. My sister in law has 7 kids (in 10 years, ha ha!) and with each one it was different.  With some, it was within a month.  With some, it was 2 months, one was close to three.

    What did you doc say at your 6 week check up?

  9. With my 1st child (non-breast fed), I got it at 8 weeks.

    With my 2nd child (breast fed), I also got it at 8 weeks (but none since).

  10. I didn't breastfeed and Aunt Flo returned 4 weeks postpartum. Don't worry though, my own mother didn't breastfeed and her period didn't return til 11 weeks after having me and 14 weeks after having my younger sister. It's okay, everyone is different!

  11. Both my kids were breastfed and I got it at 6 weeks (both times) after they were born. Good Luck!  Hopefully it will come soon!

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