
Period after d&c or not what was it?

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I had a d&c just over a month ago, a few days ago i had period like pain and very light bleeding for one day was that my period? When can i try again to get pregnant? Thanks




  1. These are really questions you should be asking your doctor.  Only he/she knows your unique medical history and can advise you as to when to start trying again.  Some women are told they must wait three months to try again, others are told only wait one cycle.  You really need to check with your doctor to see how long to wait.  

    As for the funky bleeding, I don't think I'd count that as my period.  I had a D&E done on 7/24 and just got my period back on 8/14.  I know it was my period because it lasted about 5 days and was very similar to what I normally have.  Plus, my doctor said to expect it to return 3-8 weeks after the procedure.

    Good luck!  Talk to your doctor and follow his/her advice.

  2. ive had 5 m/c's and i always geat a light short period between 2-4 weeks after d&c.most gyne's will say wait for 2 periods b4 ttc again to be mentally and physically healed others say after a d&c the women is still very fresh from pregnancy and it is this time when another baby is easily concieved as the womb is still geared up from the last pregnancy.the choice is yours.ask your gyne for his opinion as he knows your history.he may offer you progesterone support with the next pregnancy especially if you have miscarried before this one

  3. after miscarriage you will get funny bleeding i had it after mine and it is always safer to wait 3 cycles before trying again good luck hun

  4. Dear dont get tensed even i have undergone this problem and i can understand your anxiety after d&c your next period is not normal your bleeding also won't be normal so dont get excited and have patience . and after you have had d&c you should not try for baby for atleast 3 months because your body will not be prepaired for further development so give your body some time to settle down then only you can have a healthy baby. so good luck  

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