
Period after iud....?

by Guest66966  |  earlier

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after 1.5 years, i had my iud removed to try and conceive again. its been out for 6 months (with bleeding following) and my period still hasnt returned on its own. in month 3, i was prescribed provera to bring on my period, and it did, but since then (june), i still have no period. just very light spotting the past week.

my questions are:

1.) has anyone had problems with their period returning and if so, how long before it was normal?

2.) how long did it take to conceive after removal?

3.) any other problems?

any info would greatly help. thanks




  1. well i gto inserted for the first time 8/26 and the doctor told me that if i remove it [future] that it'll take time for my period to get back to normal. b/cc sometimes your period can go away during the iud, so you should wait

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