
Period after the implamon implant please help?

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hi everyone

i got the implant out on the 11th august so me and my husband can start trying. i still havent had a period yet and i havent had a proper bleed for about 1 year and a half. when i was on the implant i was getting a bit of brown discharge every month so i dont know if that was a period while i was on the implant.

how long should i wait for a period to come before going to the doctor to get provera to start my period again?

i have started drinking ginger tea and taking agnus castus everyday to hope that i will start my period

is it ok to start ttc before i have a period or do you think it would be best to wait for a period to come before trying?





  1. i think you should wait untill you get your period sorted out first, because if say you do fall pregnant, and then you have a problem you wouldn't want to have a miscarriage or an abortion in order to get your self fixed.  

  2. hi ya, i had the impant taken out 1st august and still no period either. i have been told it can take upto 3 months for a period. every woman is different though.cause my friend never even had a period after the implant and 6 weeks after she had it taken out she found out she was pregnant. so there is a chance you can get pregnant before you have a period. but also been told its best to wait for your first period before trying to have a baby. hope this helps. good luck.

  3. Well I am not a doctor but I would think your doctor will want you to bleed first. If you are not bleeding, you are not ovulating. I would wait maybe 2 months. It might take a while for your body to get back on track.

    Maybe you should start temping every morning so you know what your body is doing. WHen you go to the doc, you can show him your charts.

  4. hello, your body has to recover from this so if i were you leave it three months as it'll give your body plenty of time for recovery in that time you should have had a period you more and likely would be on your 2nd period by the end of the 3 months, after having at least two cycles then you may try, remember you've been stopping your body from ovulating like it should have so you need your body to return to normal, i know how this may seem ages however in november i came of the pill after 10 years i fell straight away with twins, my baby boys today would have been my due date, i had what was called a missed miscarriage and i had to have a d&c, the doctor said my body could not handle the huge change the were chromasones missing and too many of others, i had to leave it 3 months tried in june fell that month however spontanously miscarried on the 2nd august, all i'm saying is our bodies are funny things we need to take care of it as its alot of stress on the body to carry,

    i wish you the best of luck, trust me its hard to wait, but it'll be less heart ach for you both as its hard going through the miscarriages one after another, i dont smoke dont do drugs dont drink, my fertility is high theres nothing wrong with the ovaries, uterus,follopian tubes nothing apparently its just one of those things.

    i've been advised to take baby asprin and folic acid from my gp maybe try that too, xxxxxxxxxx

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