
Period after you have a baby?

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I have hear horror stories about women after they give birth with their periods. I am scared of what is going to happen to me after I give birth. I hear that you bleed really heavy, it hurts, and you can't wipe because it hurts so bad. Is this true? What really does happen? Do you start you period right after the baby comes out? HELP?




  1. Okay i will tell you my story: I started bleeding and thats when i knew i was in labor, they said i lost my mucuos plug. So then after I delievered I did bleed heavly, and cramped (they give you pain medicine when you need it so i didn't really feel it) They also gave me a sitz bath (which makes it feel better down there since it is swollen) and They also gave me a spray that is a pain reliever for down there. So they make sure you are in little as pain as possible! I did have really big clots, which was due to me having an infection, so watch out for that. After about one week, it was a lot lighter, I acutally spotted everyday for four months, because of my birth control! So really its not as bad as they say. So do not worry. :) enjoy the birth of your new baby!  

  2. yea you bleed for about a month but this is not your period this just the excess blood and little afterbirth coming out i had my sinen july and my period came in september my Friend had her son in september and her period came in February 2008.  in Trinidad that where i live when women give birth and they reach home we boiled hog plum bush in water put in basin or pail and sit over it you will be amazed to see how much clot  will come down. we do this for nine days. so dodon'torry your self

  3. You have bleeding after birth for about 2 weeks...but every woman is different.  The bleeding doesn't hurt...but it is the point where I wore Depends.  You are just sore from giving birth.

    As for your periods...they are heavier after birth...well mine are.  And actually I don't have PMS as bad as I used to...just the heavy flow.

    If you breast feed you can put your period off...I breast fed for 6 months and had no period...finally got one 8 months after giving birth

  4. not  a period but you do bleed after you have a baby. it varies as to how heavy it is; with one of mine is was really bad- of course it is sore down there when you have given birth and you mayhave stitches! you would be naive to think that doesnt hurt!

    But the bleed 'lochia' it is known as, isnt much worse than a normal period after a couple of days!

  5. Yes you do blead really heavy and it does hurt to wipe but what my doctor gave me was like a squirt bottle to use to rinse it sounds wierd but it works. Dont worry to much most of the bleeding will happen while your still in the hospital after you get out its not to bad. plus you have a new baby you will not care to much what your going through

  6. After you give birth you will bleed because your uterus is contracting back down to size and getting rid of all the blood that is still in there.  It honestly differs from person to person on how heavy you really bleed, and when you wipe you should not have a problem with it hurting,  but if you end up having stitches you should be gentle.  Also,  you don't start your period RIGHT after you have the baby.  Your period may come up to six weeks after the baby, or it may happen while you are still bleeding from the shrinking of the uterus.    You should not be scared, just listen to your doctors instructions and you will be just fine.

  7. You will have bleeding after delivery. It is called Lochia. It will start out bright red initially. It stops 4-6 weeks after the birth. The nurses will check you often to make sure it is not too heavy. Like soaking thru the pad needing to change it every half hour, or passing clots the size of an egg.

    Your bottom can be uncomfortable after delivery, after all, it does stretch and has pressure on it to birth the baby. Occasionally some women will tear or the doctor will make a little incision to create room. Make sure you place an ice pack on your bottom the 1st 24 hours to reduce swelling, then take sitz baths, use Dermoplast and place Tucks pads in your pad to make things feel better.

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