
Period and still pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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Okay I know that everyone and their dog asks this question, but now I know why. Cuz now I'm in this position! lol

Alright, my husband and I had s*x about 4 weeks ago and when we finished we were shocked to find that the condom didnt come off with needless to say we went fishing, lol. I was a little worried because it was within the week that I was supposed to ovulate. But I got that period two weeks later, so no biggie right? Well I'm not so sure. The last two days I have been having a bit of increased discharge (TMI sorry) it's clear and everything so I'm not worried about a yeast infection or anything, and now today I am having really light menstral like cramps. Is there a chance that I could have got my last period even if I were pregnant? Thats my main question I guess. Thanks!




  1. Alot of people freak themselves out about pregnancy and therefor start getting other symptons...(It's totally happens all the time.) What you should do is you should either go talk to your doctor or you should wait about 3 weeks and do a home pregnancy test. It's probably no big deal...but there's still a chance.

  2. IF your period was a normal heavy flow with cramping. if it was in any way lighter or the color was different[like brown or pink], you may still be pregnant..

  3. yes some women have regular periods until they are about 5 months pregnant.  If you really really didn't want a baby yet you should have used a back up method, condoms aren't the greatest preventor for pregnancy...they're 97% effective when used perfectly....and let's be honest how often does that happen, something always goes wrong with them. Best thing would be to go to your Dr and have test ran

  4. Make an appointment with a doctor and get a blood test or wait until your next period is due and do a home pregnancy test.  

  5. It sounds more like you experiencing ovulation symptoms. You normally ovulate 14 days before your next period, which if you have a 28 day cycle would be about right now.

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