
Period help [more people please help]?

by Guest34478  |  earlier

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im 15 and never had my period my discharge is clear and i've been getting it for over a year now but for the past few months its changed to a yellowish/clearish color i've been really moody for the past few months a few days ago i realized i had some brown discharge i keep getting headaches, my back ached for a couple days, my right shoulder ached for a few minutes, i've been getting cramps,my discharge is thick my b***s have been really sore and i had diarhea and my back hurted for a few minutes a couple days ago and i had cramps too and i've been eating ALOT too and yesturday when i woke up i went to the bathroom and when i wiped there was a bunch of brown discharge but its not there nomore and my back hurted again and it hurted a little today too and i dont feel like myself at all like now,there was no brown discharge today but my sister has hurted like for 2 hours straight now like my lower stomach wicked bad and i use to get dizzy spells too do you think its my period coming and if you do when do you think its gonna start? like in a week or two?




  1. It sounds like it should start ina  day or two. If not its cause your cycle hasn't fullly matured to start yet you should start probably next cycle with actual bleeding, but it sounds to me as though your going to start now. Congrats. Welcome to womanhood. =)

  2. I don't know why you girls are constantly asking these questions about your period.

    We can't control this.  It comes when it comes, whether it's regular or not.  Maybe there's this complaint or that complaint but there's nothing to do but treat the symptoms.  Take Advil, Aleve or Motrin.  Or take Pamprin or Midol.  Put a heating pad on your stomach.

    But THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN DO FOR YOU.  It comes when it comes and that's that!!

  3. darlin you have a urinary tract infection. i am 15 and i get them sometimes. you need to go to the doctor and get some meds for it but thats what it is. its perfectly normal you get it from not drinking enough water so for the next couple of days drink LOADS of water and call your doc and ask for pilll he can perscribe them with out you having to come in for a visit. but no worries you have a urinary tract infection( it is very common) take an tylenol for the pain and dizzynes.

  4. well it sounds like your pregnant, but that is unlikely considering you are only 15.

  5. How many more times are you going to post this question?

    Who the h**l knows we're not physics?

  6. wow i have no idea! ummm ask your mom what to do? idk!=[ sry

  7. It sounds like you have your period now. I get a lot of the symptoms you've named (I'm 34, got it when I was 10), and usually it comes within a day, day and a half of the first symptom. But that's MY body - everyone is different.

    Just a bit of advice: since you're getting your period, talk with your mom and make a gynecological appointment. It's a good idea to get them yearly when you start having your period. She (or he) might also be able to prescribe something to alleviate your symptoms.

  8. Go see a doc.  You're body is trying to tell you something.  There is medication they can give you to help you start and that may be all you need.  Sometimes a system just needs a little boost.  My daughter went through something similar.  They WILL ask you if you're pregnant and run a test, no matter what you tell them so expect that, even if you've never had s*x.

  9. judging by that i'd say probably really soon, as in a few days.

    the brown discharge was probably the very first lining dissolving and exiting your body. by the end of your period, the blood will usually be a brownish color.

    good luck, hun !

  10. It's hard to determine when your period is going to start without specific dates. I suggest you ask your mom or dad to call your doctor and set up an appointment so that you can get checked out.

  11. Talk to a doctor.  Soon.

  12. When blood gets oxygenated it turns brown.  That's why scabs are never bright red so it's probably just blood that somehow got exposed to oxygen.  This happens toward the end of your cycle.  Don't worry.  It sounds like you are going to get your period soon.  No one can tell you when it's going to start.  It could be tomorrow, or not for another month.  What you just went through might even be considered a pre-period episode.  Give your body time.

  13. May I introduce you to the full stop, it looks like this.

  14. This is something you should talk to your doctor about, or an older family member since it's having negative effects to your health. hope you're better.

  15. its definitely coming. its just trinkling (thats the brownness you see). it'll come soon.

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