
Period help?

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I lost a lot of weight unhealthily a while ago and didn't have a period for 8 months until a couple of weeks ago. It was only for 3 days or so but there was definatley blood there. It was slightly dark brown, some dark pink and a little bit of red. It was enough to wear a tampon but not enough to fill it so it was really quite light. I am sexually active but we always use a condom so i'm not sure whether that was my period coming back, bleeding from s*x or 'implantation bleeding.' We did check the condom and it hadn't split, I also took a pregnancy test 19 days after we had s*x and it was negative and I have no pregnancy signs. Is this my period back now? BTW I did go to the doctors about the 8 months without a period 2 weeks after we had s*x for the first time and he said my hormones, glucose and blood cell levels were all fine so I should be getting my periods back soon...




  1. i recently had major surgery and after my surgery i didn't have my period for 2 months, then when i had it it was for 2 days

    so i think it might be the same but idk....

  2. Sounds to me that your cycle is returning. Your doctor is right.

  3. If you excersize a lot or if your really super skinny? That would be the cause for the peirod problem. When your skinny you don't get your peirod, and if you do. It becomes extremly irregular.

    You are definetly not preggo, so I won't even go into that Dear.

    I'd see a docter if I were you.

    Also, teenage girls have irregular peirods anyway. Sometimes it doesn't calm down until you get older. I mean, each person has their own type of peirod. How strong the flow it is, how long it stays, what excactly the color is, although the color should be a regular healthy red..or even dark.

    If your not taking any meds for you rpeirod, I'd say gain a little weight because having your peirod is healthy, in my opinion anyway. Well, it's also healthy if your not taking pills. If you are, then all well. But if your not taking pills and you don't have your peirod, but you have officialy started before, then something is wrong. Unless you excercise a lot. My sister was in Taekwondo for a lot time and did it perfusly, she never got her peirod. (Unfortenatly I did and let me tell you, kicking  really sucks with a pad on. HAHA!)

    I hope I helped hoiney. At least it seems your not down about being sexusally active. I mean, it's not the best thing to do, but at least your not ashamed. You do it, and that's your buisness. ANd good for you to be using a condomn.

    God Bless and I'm sorry if I didn't help.

  4. more than likely it's your period coming back . it only takes about two weeks (if you're pregnant) for the hormone levels to rise enough register on the pregnacy test

  5. okay i think your doctor is right its starting up slowly
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