
Period in Two days, spotting a week after period, and negative hpt.. too early to test?

by  |  earlier

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So, my period is not expected till the 21st, which is monday, but i thought that perhaps the First response would be accurate enough to take a test... i did one today (FMU) but a big fat negative! ahhhh! Was it still too early, do you think i have a good chance to still be pregnant?

I asked a question about what their thoughts were on me spotting about a week after my period.. if it was a early period or not, they said to wait until the 21st.. but, if i wait to the 21st and still negative, should i think that the early period (spotting) was actually my period and wait until the 3rd ... sorry if that is totally confusing....




  1. I would go it to your dc or local clinic and take a test, some home pregnancy test somethings dont work

  2. Pink or brown spotting can be one of the signs of pregnancy. Pregnancy test 7 days after your missed or shortened period to be most accurate. Test first thing in the morning. Early test can give false results and create confusion. Best wishes, G

  3. fertility test is for sure after 3 weeks of pregnancy and not depend on the test provenience

  4. for what their worth hpts are pretty accurate. u tested kinda early so to be safe, try another on monday. more than likely if the test said negative then u r not preg. the hcg hormone that indicates pregnancy doubles almost everyday after conception and normally isnt detectable in urine until ur at least 1 day late on ut period. although most women can take a first responce and get positive results very early, some women cant. it all depends on ur body and ur hormone levels. every woman is different. i was 6 weeks pregnant and still got negative pregnancy tests from doctors and hpts..i ended up having to get blood drawn, but then my next pregnancy i was able to get a positive test 5 days BEFORE my missed period. so there is still hope, but dont get too excited...wait it out and if it turns out ur not preg, post another question on how to get preg and im SURE i can help u with that!

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