
Period is two days late but the pregnancy tests keep coming back negative

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First day of last period: 6th July 2008

Dates of unprotected s*x: 21st and 25th July 2008

Date period was due: 3rd July 2008

So far I have taken about three pregnancy tests - the cheap £1.99 and £2.49 tests but they have come back negative. I took one this morning with the same result. I have had no PMT symptoms this month just very vague kind of symptoms like feeling quite hot and times, and going more frequently to the toilet [but that has stopped now]. Also my stomach has felt bloated [that has stopped now] and I have had a slight sort of aching pain in my lower womb [not like period pain which I tend to experience around my ovaries].

Is it worth buying a more expensive test like ClearBlue or should I just leave it to see if my period arrives.




  1. Since most of your symptoms have stopped, I would just wait and see if you get your period.  Also, my pregnancy tests don't ever come back positive until around 5 weeks after conception, so if you are, it could be that it's just taking longer to show up.  Good luck to you!

  2. it is just one days ,i think wait 2-3 days if no period do test again if negative do blood test better than expensive urine test.good luck.

  3. Your only 2 days late.. wait 2 more days and get a more reputable HPT. Clearblue or First response. The mid stream ones for seem to be more reliable.


  4. I would wait to see if you get your period, I would wait like 5 more days and then take another test.

    The more expensive ones are not always best.  

  5. i would get a 1st response test or clear blue and do it with 1st morning urine, i also had no pms symptoms apart from a few mild cramps, good luck  

  6. wow! you are really late, go to your doctors. thats the best bet, they have a more accurate test, it sounds like you are lovie. sometimes HPT's are wrong... i have taken one this month but its a tesco's own one and you cant use it until you are late... so i gutted myself for no reason (well i didnt read the instructions!!!)

    but yeah, best bget, go to the doctor...

    good luck lovie...

    *sprinkles baby dust*

  7. if your stressing out it just may come late, I find that when I'm stressed out or nervous about something it seem to come a day or two late....if the test says negative then maybe wait a few days and if ur still worried you could always go to a sexual heath center  or your family docter. good luck!

  8. Pregnancy tests only work after so many days into the pregnancy (e.g. 10)... read the instructions properly and stop worrying about it until you are well past 10 days late, then take a test again...

    Hang on... you said 2 days late, but then later said it was due on 3rd July? That's a month late? You meant 3rd August? That was yesterday? So still doesn't add up to 2 days, because today is only the 4th!

    Anyway, simply worrying or being excited about being pregnant can make a period late.

  9. Your mind is now starting to play tricks on you which could be delaying your period. It is unlikely you are pregnant but good luck anyway.

    ***baby dust***


    EDIT// It is unlikely because you have a negative test - you will get your period, your giving yourself false hopes which will gut you when you get your period.

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