
Period last for two weeks?

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for the last six my periods lasts for 10 to 14 days long i cant take birth control to even it out cause of depression issues (tryed them all dnt work for me) it starts light at first then i bleed so bad that i cant even wear tampons i have to wear pads and theres huge blood clotts i have an app with the gyno in two weeks but was jst wondering if anyone knows what this could be or have similar problems oh and I also get very over moody and cry for nothing im so tired of this its like i bleed for half of the month it ruins everything and hurts




  1. It sounds normal, my longest period has been 15 days long D: It kind of depends on whether this is similar to your normal cycle. Is your cycle usually pretty regular (besides now)? If it's a very abnormal change in your period, I suggest you talk to your doctor.

    Bleeding heavily is normal too, unless it's WAY too much blood. I know many people who's flow is too heavy for tampons. Have you tried super or extra super tampons? Those are larger and absorb more than regular tampons. Clumps of blood are normal too, as long as it's not overly excessive.

    Most likely you're fine, but if you're really worried then you can talk things out with your gyno =]

  2. I would say its your period and hormones trying to even its self out, but since your 29 that must not be the case. See a doctor

  3. Maybe fibroids...definitely see your doctor

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