
Period late but test sayin neg..?

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Its been 35 days since the begining of my last period and i took a test on sunday and it said neg.. i usual get my period every 28 days. Looked up some sites and they say if i am pregnant then id be 4wks 6 days and a positive test should come up on the 23rd which is 2morrow.. can 3 days really make much difference? anyone have pregnancy signs this early?




  1. 3 days can or can not make a difference I never got a + ve result on a pee test with my son.  Hope that helps.

  2. A few days can make a difference as it's the hormone levels that are read. I did a test one weekend it was negative - did another 4 days latter and low and behold I was pregnant. Although been that your period is now a week late you should be able to get a reading. If your not satisified with the results of the home pregnancy test - perhaps try a doctor and request a blood test. My friend was 8 weeks pregnant before a home pregnancy test dected it, my other friend was 2 weeks 3 days.....

  3. Do you know when or if you ovulated?  This is the key information that tells you when your pregnancy test would be most accurate.

    The tests say they are accurate around the time of your missed period, HOWEVER, this makes the assumption that you ovulated two weeks ago.

    You could ovulate late on a given cycle due to stress, pushing the time of accuracy back.  In fact, you may not have even ovulated yet!  Knowing if and when you ovulate is key to trying to conceive the fastest way possible.  There is a book and a web site that can help.

  4. yeah well the same thing happened to my wife tyreisha and six kids later it's still wrong.

  5. relax and take the test again in a week. if it still says neg. then wait a little while and see if you get your period. sometimes you may get false pregnancy symptoms from stressing out about it which may cause your period to be late. if nothing changes I'd recommend going to the doctor.

  6. The tests measure a particular hormone that is given off when pregnant.  If you happen to produce less than what can be detected by the home tests, then you might be getting a false negative.  Since you're a week late already, I don't know if you want to, or not want to be pregnant, but best bet would be a blood test that your OBY can do to be definitive.

  7. worried i am in the same boat as you. no period, swollen breast, but im only about a wk late. ive been disapointed b4 some advice that we both should commit to is not to get our hopes to high and be patient it will happen for us.

  8. Yes, 3 days really can make a difference. Take the test again on the day that you should and see what it says. I had a negative home pregnency test but was indeed pregnant, so don't be too down even if it's still negative. You should schedule an appointment to see your OB/GYN no matter what. Good luck! I hope this helps!

  9. You can definitely have pregnancy signs at almost 5 weeks pregnant.  What site told you that a test would be positive on 23rd?  Ive never heard of that before.  Anyway, you can defiantly have symptoms at this point, plus you have missed your period for that long.  Sounds to me like you might be pregnant.  Good luck

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