
Period like cramps and ovulation?

by  |  earlier

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i have been having period like cramps for two days now got a positive opk yesterday and another today, but i did also get a positive on cd 6

i didnt have cramps until these last two days however.

did i, or is it possible i am ovulating now?

this is my chart if you wanna have a look

we did use pre-seed the last 3-4 times we BD'd too. i dont know if i can handle BDing tonight cause it hurt last night-are my chances still good?




  1. I think u have good chance in conceiving.... as for BD'ing tonight that up to u.. u can always try using a lot of KY gel

    Good luck and a lots of babydust ur way!!

  2. Did you take a pregnancy test yet???  Sometimes your opks will show up positive again because you're pregnant.  You might have ovulated earlier than you thought (only saying that since your temp dropped and rose again, along with a positive opk).  Goodluck and baby dust to you!!!

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