
Period or Implantation Bleeding ??? I need people that have experience ?

by  |  earlier

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OK , My hubby and I did out baby dancing thing according to charts , I ovulated on the 11th ..... well 6 dpo i started to get yellowish/clearwhite CM , 7 dpo same until night when i got a lot of ewcm ... and now today 8dpo i started to have cramps and light - moderate bleeding ( Less then a tampon in 6 hours TMI ) so i was wondering if anyone has had a light Red blood with Implantation bleeding or should i chart as AF starting to day ??? 7 days early ???




  1. When I had an implantation bleed it was brown in colour not red. It was a very small amount of spotting on my underwear probably about the size of a 10c piece all up. I didn't have any cramping accompanying that bleed. I believe it varies alot from person to person though. I have been told that if the blood is red it indicates active bleeding so you could assume from that that you are beginning your period. However to be sure take a pregnancy test. I had a positive test about a week before I had the implantation bleed so it could show, but if you aren't convinced try again in a week to ten days time. Good luck and I hope this helps

  2. It could definitely be implantation bleeding. Cramps definitely can follow with it. As far as the color, it can be red - because alot of women think they are on their period when implantation bleeding occurs. usually it is brown, dark red, or red. Another thing it could be is that you had an implantation that wasn't good, and made you shed your lining early. I hope this has helped you. good luck and lots of baby dust to you!!!!

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