
Period pain.. 6 months pregnant ??

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is it normal to fell this pain .. my back is killing me feels like a bad period pain





  1. Try a warm bath (free of bubbles, oils, and under 100 degrees)

    Make sure you're not sleeping on your back

    Do your pelvic tilts

    Don't slouch (though it's so easy when your belly is getting heavier!)

    If it worsens or continues, get in touch with your Dr. as soon as possible.

  2. yes it can be normal i had the same on my 4 kids ,it is your womb strething try not to worry

  3. I feel for you! hope your not in too much pain. pregnancy has lots of niggles and pains, and yes this is  common one. But remember to see your midwife if you are at all concerned, I had two premature babies, one at 34 weeks and the other at 31 weeks. first time around i had a slight dull pain in my tummy and three hours later my waters broke! big rush to hospital! second time around i just had a funny feeling something wasnt right, I called my midwife and told her i had no physical signs but i just didnt 'feel' confident. My midwife told me not to worry and that i need to rest up at home. I didnt listen to her though! so i went to my mother inlaws which is close to the hospital, and that night i went into labour and had my son!

    I think in pregnancy its important to listen to your body and if your concerned, dont hesitiate to ring your midwife.

  4. get on your hands and knees the baby is pushing on your back and hitting the nerves that should ease it up. don't take hot baths though it can "cook" the baby although warm water feels great and is safe. if the pain continues call the doc or go to the ER . better  to be safe  

  5. I was 23 weeks when I started having lower back pain like your describing. It lasted for several days before I asked my Dr. She said it was normal. Just after that, I started spotting. I called my Dr. and she said it prob wasn't anything to worry about, but to go to the hospital just so they could check me. They checked my cervix and I was 4-5 cm dilated. I ended up having my son at 23 1/2 weeks. He weighed 1lb 9oz. and stayed in the nicu for 4 mos. He is 6 yrs old now and doing just fine. But I say its better to be safe then sorry.  

  6. I had period type pains all the way thro my pregnancy and it scared me at first but spoke to midwife who said it was normal so i'm sure your fine a hot water bottle or a warm bath and relax.

    Remember if your ever not sure of anything your feeling you can always call the midwifes at the hospital for some advice and reassurance

  7. I don't know that it's normal, but I know I suffered period pains throughout all 3 of my pregnancies, and so did my daughter. (also P.M.T.)

                    I'm going through the change now, and havn't had a period for over a year, but I'm still having the dreaded period pains at the end of every month. Worth mentioning to your midwife on your next visit, just to be on the safe side. Good luck!

  8. i would talk to your mid wife just to check . But i am 19 weeks and i get the feeling of a period pain but my midwife said it is quite common .

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