

by Guest63093  |  earlier

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I got my period in December 2007, and another one hasn't come yet - its been 8 months! What's going on and what should i do!




  1. Don't worry about it, love, it often takes a few years to settle. If you're really worried, go and see a doctor.

  2. It can take up to 2 years for your period to become regular.

  3. it happens to some people that they dont get it for a long time. as long as you didnt have s*x or anything then it is normal for some people. soon your period will regulate

  4. That's fine, sometimes you get it once and it just doesn't come back for a while, it's happened to a few of my friends and is nothing to get worked up about.

  5. see your gynecologist!

  6. normal!!

  7. I got my 1st one on April 1st 08, and I've only had 1 since... I'm happy, but they're irregular for the first few years =]

  8. see your doctor 8 months is a long time

  9. you don't specify how old you are, but either way have your parents take you to the doctor because you can either be pregnant, stressed out, or something.  I think 8 months is too long between periods.

  10. Your first few periods are nearly always irregular it will come don't worry.

  11. That happens to some people. It's fine! =D Your period just has to regulate. It'll take a while.

  12. if it was your first one, that's really normal

    please don't worry

    when you have them, you'll soon stop wanting them lol


  13. It is normal for your periods to be irregular at first but 8 months sounds goofy to me.  Have you seen a gynecologist, yet? If not, it is time to start.

  14. Why is everyone stressing out, this is her 1st period and she may not have another for another 8 months, this is NORMAL.

  15. its actually normal to skip months at a time like that...

    the same thing happens to my cousins if they ain't on there pill they won't get there periods...

    if ur really concerned see ur Gyn and see about getting on birth control it regulates ur period

  16. It is common to have some irregularity at first. But after this long I would go to the gynecologist just to make sure that is what it is.

  17. dont worry , i had my first periode at 10 then didnt have another till i was 11 and i didnt get regular till i was 12 so i mean it will be a while before you will be able to predict your next one

  18. If you have been exercising, stressed or have an eating disorder it might just be delayed.  But that is REALLY strange.  I would consider seeing a doctor!

  19. Why haven't you seen a doctor sooner? Instead of being here, go and make yourself an appointment! Never ignore your body!
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