
Period question girls?

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i am about to be 14 in october and i still haven't started. all of my friends have, and not even all of them are developed. should i be concerned????????




  1. hey dear sure you dont have to be worried it is still maybe early for you... every girl and her body differ so maybe you will get it this year maybe the next or the next next.... you can wait till you become 18 years then if it doesnt happen then go see a doctor and dont get worried :)

  2. not at all

    i know people who are 15 and just got them

  3. no, don't be'll happen...some start earlier than others...

  4. no. everyone is diffrent. when you turn 18 you should start to be worried.

  5. no, some girls don't get their period until they are 15 or 16 years old. even if you notice other changes in your body, your period can come late. don't worry too much about it. any factors could contribute to getting a late period (genes, height, weight, how active you are). most girls get their periods around the same time their mothers did, but even if your mom got hers when she was 12,  there is nothing to worry about.

  6. NO!!!!!!!!! Thats nothing! My aunt didn't get hers till she was 18. Honey, don't be anxious. Its not as fun as u think...

  7. i dont think u should be woorried i think my mom got hers when she was about 15 o 16 put if ur worried u should go to the doctor.

  8. Hun, don't worry. I'm in 8th grade and I didn't get mine till January and I've been developed for 3 years now. You'll get yours when your ready, because everybody is different. =]

  9. no you should not be concerned. it comes at different times for different people, some don't get it til they are in college!  

  10. baby gurl d0nt be c0ncerned

    just cuz all 0f 0ur friendz have d0esnt  mean n0thing

    just be lucky dat y00h havent started yet

  11. No need to worry, I got mine in my freshman year of high school much much later than my friends. Even my twin sister had hers two years before me! Everyone's different!  

  12. no that is fine I am 14 going on 15 and I havent gotten mine yet. No worries. I have heard that if you get it later it has to do with weight. I am on the skinnier side and Im guessing that you are too. If you get to 16 and you still havent had it you can go to the Dr. and the Dr. can give you pills

  13. Talk to your mom or older sister, if you have one. Ask them when they started. Whatever age they started will be around the time you will start. You can also ask them details about if they have a light or heavy flow, then you will know what to prepare for. But dont be worried, hun. I know some people who got it at 11, some at 17. It is nothing to be concerned about.

    Hope this helps.

    Enjoy not having it! Its a pain, literally!

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