
Period <span title="question.............................?">question....................</span>

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I got my first period in may and everything was quite normal hen in june it was a little bit early but everything was still normal but now i havnt had my period since should i be worried?

ive also been sick a lot lately is this anything to do with it?




  1. Don&#039;t worry it&#039;s completely normal. It could take even a couple of years for them to settle into a regular cycle although some women have irregular periods throughout their entire lives.

    Everybody is different so don&#039;t worry too much about it. Just be sudr to pads have towels with you until you get used to your cycle. I used to do this by putting a couple into every handbag I own so I was never caught short.  

  2. sounds normal, but you should seek medical care. dont be embarresed about it

  3. it is normal. you are still fairly new with having your period. it won&#039;t become regular until maybe 1 or 2 years. then you will start having it on a regular basis and for a set amount of days. don&#039;t worry! and being sick has nothing to do with it. good luck!

  4. don&#039;t worry. the same thing happened to me when i started  and didn&#039;t get it again until 2 months after i started. My doctor said it takes maybe a year or two so your period to become regular. I hope it helps!

  5. It took me about 2 years to be anywhere near regular.. I wouldn&#039;t worry. I loved your answer to my question. Thanks

  6. It will take some time in order for your cycle and periods to become regular. This can take up to 3 years.

  7. no need to worry. when you first get your period it can be really irregular. you may get it once and then not have it for a few months. i wouldnt worry.  

  8. (this is riders sister by the way using his account)

    But umm..that happened to me alot at first i started getting nervous and stuff b/c i hadent got my period in like 2 months so i was like aww c**p what did i do? but when your first starting out your periods e-regualr so theres nothing to worry about. at first i thought there was something wrong..but its just trying to find its &quot;groove&quot; that sounds have nothing to worry about! =]

    hope i helped!

  9. Don&#039;t worry.  Totally normal.  

  10. Being that its your first period it can be off a little bit. Every now and then your period will be off sometimes by a week sometimes by 2 weeks. It also depends on stress. Stress will make it come early or late or never appear. If your feel sick as well I suggest you go to the doctor for some blood work. It doesn&#039;t hurt to visit the Dr. just to make sure everything is ok.  

  11. yea thats normal

    when i first got mine i skipped three months, its really irregular for quite a few years but you still have 40+ more years to get normal

  12. its totalllyyy normal. Mine took 2 months after the first one to get the 2nd. but also don&#039;t worry if the next one is really heavy, or really light. It&#039;s just that your hormones haven&#039;t figured themselves out yet. :) But dont be embarrased to ask your mom or ur sis or ur best friend or another girl. :)

  13. A lot of the times it takes a few years for your period to become regular.  This is totally normal, I wouldn&#039;t worry about it, assuming you&#039;re not sexually active.

  14. It&#039;s normal to be very irregular at first, and yes, being sick a lot can delay your period. If you are concerned, you can always go and see your GP. They get people coming in concerned about their periods all the time, and it will put your mind at ease.

  15. haha this happened to me too..

    but i was sceptical about telling

    my mom..but dont worry..every

    couple months mine will skip

    a month but i dont worry i get


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