
Period starting late?

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what does that mean? but my period changes very often like on month it starts like on the 1st, another month, it changes to the 25th or something. how many days it it be late for?




  1. most women are on a 28 day cycle I believe. Start the first day of period and count 28 days

  2. Mine does that too sometimes!! I don't get it. I'm thinking about seeing a doctor.  

  3. You have an irregular period. That's nothing all that unusual.

  4. Typically your period should come every 28 days. But as long as it is not over 46 days in between that is ok. It can vary from stress, from having intercourse, from an unbalanced diet. Also it can be very different if you are younger, Under 20. I wouldn't be too concerned. If you feel uncomfortable about it you can start yourself on birth control or you could get yourself on a proper eating and exercise regimen.  

  5. periods can be unbeleivably random, the first year or so.

    its definetley normal.

  6. I'm guessing you're young, so usually periods aren't regular for a while. Mine fluctuate between 24-30 days so I'm pretty irregular myself.

    Keep score on a calander on what day to start, what day you end, and repeat. After a few months, tally up how many days in between your starting date is and that should give you more of a look out.
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