
Period timing on the Contraceptive Pill?

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Ok so it's Wednesday today and last night I took a Hormonal Pill and I need my period to fully stop next wednesday night. Should I take a Placebo Pill tonight (Wednesday) in order for it to stop by next Wednesday night seeing as next Wednesday night will be the first night I will take a Hormonal Pill, or does it take a few days after taking the Hormonal Pill for a period to stop (if so, how many)?




  1. So, are you asking if you've stopped taking the hormone tablet last night will your period be finished by next Wednesday?

    Depends on your body. Everyone is different...but i usually get my period 2-3 days of the last hormone tablet and it's nearly completely finished the day of retaking the hormone tablet. Hope that helps.

    Probably not a good idea to muck around with your cycle too much though.

  2. That was pretty hard to understand. Is this your first period on the pill? If not, what usually happens?

    Usually the period will be finished around the time of the first active pill or a couple of days later. For some women it starts early in their placebo week, for others it takes almost until the end of the week.

    If you want to skip your period then skipping all the placebo pills would probably work, but might not if it's your first month.


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