
Periodontal Disease?

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Everytime I have my teeth cleaned, my gums bleed ALOT. I have healthy teeth (I have never even had a cavity), but my mother has Periodontal disease, a type of gum disease that is causing her teeth and gums to become infected and abscessed. Could this be the start of Periodontal disease? Is Periodontal disease genetic?




  1. There may be a small genetic component to periodontitis, but the biggest factors are your oral hygiene and diet (which are also "passed down" in families).  If you brush and floss meticulously, then it is unlikely that you would develop gingivitis.  It is EXTREMELY unlikely for young people to have periodontitis (bone loss) since it takes years of plaque and calculus (hardened plaque) being there for it to progress to this extent.

    If you take care of your mouth very diligently (congrats on the no cavities!!), then there is a very good chance that you will escape gum disease.  The bleeding can be caused by lots of things...dietary deficiencies, or even poor technique on the part of the hygienist.  There are even some systemic conditions that might be causing you to bleed more than normal, but these are RARE and would be diagnosed by a doctor if you have any other reason to suspect you might be affected.  

    Asking the hygienist why she thinks this might be the case and if there is anything you could be doing better could help you, or at the very least, give you some peace of mind. :)

  2. Yes, bleeding can be a sign of some gum inflammation that can quickly lead to gum disease. Yes, there is a genetic link, but it normally takes an activation like not flossing, not brushing properly, or not getting your teeth cleaned regularly. Floss daily, get an electric toothbrush, use a mouthrinse as an insurance policy in case you miss any bacteria it will rinse them away. Do this before bed, then spit and do not rinse/eat/drink for at least 30 minutes or just go to bed. The MOST important step is regular cleanings with a dental hygienist! Otherwise, buildup will grow beneath the gum line and cause gum disease. If you are in doubt, go see a periodontist.
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