
Periods and breastfeeding?

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I breastfed my baby exclusively for 6 months; my period came back right before he turned 7 months old. BUT, I only had one period, and haven't had once since! I took a pregnancy test and I am not pregnant. I am on a birth control pill that is safe to take while breastfeeding, and right before my period came back, I filled the prescription and got the generic brand instead. So I am wondering if what I am going through is normal? Could the switch to generic have affected it?




  1. Yes, everything is normal. Same thing happened with me. Last month was my 1st period in 15 months. I just had my 2nd a week ago. This is just your body's way of beginning to regulate itself again.  

  2. IF your son is nursing more then your periods can stop again. My daughter is almost 11 months old and still havent had mine come back yet. And no the generic rx, is the same as the brand name your just not paying for it to have the brand name.  

  3. With my exclusively breastfed baby, I didn't get my first period until he was 18 months old (yes, he was still nursing) but it was a few more months before I had my second period.  It can take a while for your hormones to back to normal.

  4. Hi! Great question, I am in a similar place to you. I only had one period when my baby was around 7 months and I haven't had it since. I have just weaned him off breastfeeding (he is 10.5 months) and I still don't have my period. I think it's all part of the body slowly readjusting though. Definitely the switch to generic is not the concern for you - it would have no effect. Our hormones are still doing crazy things in this first year of our child's life, whether we're breastfeeding or not. From what I can gather from an internet search, if you've tested you're not pregnant and you don't have weird pains, there doesn't seem to be anything to worry about. Things will readjust over the next few months.

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