
Periods become lighter and more irregular after becoming vegetarian?

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i became a vegetarian when i was 12, and a year after my first period. when i was still a corpse eater, i had heavy, long very regular periods. i was suprised because they were really, really regular right from the start. but once i went vegetarian they started coming less often and being much lighter and shorter. they have since become regular again, my doctor said they probably became irregular because i lost a lot of weight right off the bat and my body might've thought there was a famine or something, but they are still light, light light and last 1-3 days.

i am wondering if any of you veggie women noticed a change like this after going veggie? i know i'm not anemic or anything, i did go to the doctor originally.




  1. Yes, my periods definately got lighter after I became a vegitarian.

  2. mine didn't change when I became a vegetarian...

  3. periods can change for all sorts of reasons. for example, stress, changes in diet, traveling, exercise, just about anythign that effects your body will also most likely effect your period.  

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