
Periods when your on the pill?

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im on the pill for the first time, because my periods are so irregular. I thought that the pill was meant to get rid of the period pains, but im on my first 7day break now and im on my period, and have still got some stomach cramps. is this normal?




  1. Since you just started the pill it could take a while for cramps and stuff to subside. Give it a good 3 months before you decide to go off the pill, or switch it up. It also depends on the person, for most women the pill reduces period pains, and for some it doesn't do much. So this is normal, give it some time.

  2. I feel for you! I had the same problem and found that the pill doesn't completely get rid of pains it helps, I found that the longer I was on it, the pains slowly disappeared  ( even though from time to time I still get cramps). Stickwith it and they should improve.  

  3. being on the pill is no guarantee that you will not have period pains/cramps, it is possible for some, but does not work that way for everyone.  

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