
Perl dwarf gourami??

by Guest64289  |  earlier

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hello i have a femal dwaf gouramii. for some time now it has had a rather large orange bulge coming out from its left side. it doesnt seem to have any mager changes to its behavior just that it doesnt eat as much as it used to i dont think. what do u spose this is what treatment can i give it. its kept in a very well looked after community tank.




  1. My beta had pop-eye, (it's eyes bulged, it wouldn't eat, and it staid at the bottom of the tank, not swimming). I researched that I had to give it Ampicillin capsules which dissolve in the tank. Don't over-medicate, don't over-feed, and make sure that you keep it's tank clean.

  2. Ampicillin would work, but it is far less common than medications like Maracyn (1), EM Tabs, Triple Sulfa, Trisulfa, Maracyn TC, or TC Capsules.  All of these will effectively combat the likely gram positive infection.  Remove any activated carbon during treatment, and if using tetracycline based medications, keep the tank dark as this drug degrades with exposure to light.
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